Te Akatoki o Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha (Māori Students’ Association) Incorporated
Kei ngā manu kai mātauranga, nau mai haere mai ki te pae tukutuku o Te Akatoki.
Ko tā Te Akatoki, he tautoko i ngā tauira Māori o Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha kia eke ai rātou ki te angitū!
E whakapono ana mātou ki te pito mata o te tauira, anō nei he toki e whaowhia ana ngā taumata tiketike o te mātauranga, kia puta ai te ihu ki te ao mārama.
Kia whakataukītia te kōrero;
"He Toki Ngao Pae ki te Ao Mārama" -Tihei Mauri Ora.
Te Akatoki Māori Students' Association is the formal body that represents all Māori students studying at The University of Canterbury.
Whanaungatanga (relationships)
Manaakitanga/Aroha (care-ethic)
Ūkaipōtanga (sense of belonging);
The core values that speak to the heart of what we do at Te Akatoki Māori Students' Association.
We organise events and provide support throughout the year to strengthen these uara (core-values), whilst providing our students with a place where they feel culturally connected and safe.
We work closely with the UC Māori Development Team and the UCSA to help ensure Māori students get the most out of their time studying here on campus.
Considering signing up?
if you are a tauira Māori at UC - register so we can support your studies!
If you are a student at the University of Canterbury, you are also welcome to join!
REGISTER HERE - click this link!!